Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hellakunda & The Goat

I am still in Ashley’s village & loving it! We went to the Life Skills Center to brew/drink attaya and I also charged my cell phone. Pondo [short for Ponderosa Pine!![, Ashley’s puppy, came along with us. We were all sitting outside chatting when a baby goat wanders in. He looked like an oreo, which of course got me hungry. Pondo decided to make friends with the goat, so they are frolicking about the front yard and we are all watching and laughing, enjoying the not-so-hot afternoon. Suddenly, Momma Goat saunters in. She is a BIG lady. She doesn’t like Pondo chasing around Oreo so she comes up to Pondo and head-butts him, then runs off behind the Center. Pondo just looks around, obviously having no idea what had just happened to him.

“Hey Ash,” I say. “Let’s catch Oreo and teach Momma a lesson.”
BAD IDEA. I creep up behind Oreo [who is atop a pile of logs] and get him by the back hoof. He starts SCREECHING as I scoop him up under one arm. Ashley yells, “Look out behind you!” and I see Momma come tearing around the corner of the house. I start to run [which isn’t easy, as I am wearing a Bob Marley wrap skirt], start tripping all over the place, notice that the goat is about to kill me, drop Oreo, and hop on the porch. Ash is still standing in the yard as Momma Goat turns to Pondo and starts attacking him. I flip out, Ashley is screaming, Pondo is crying because he is trapped between the ground and Momma Goat’s horns, Oreo has no idea what’s going on, the Gambians on the porch are running towards us and suddenly Ashley sprints towards the goat and grabs her by the back leg, screaming, “YOU STOP KNOCKING MY DOG!” She LIFTS the goat off the ground by one leg, I grab Pondo, and she drags the goat out of the compound. I am not sure how good of a job I did detailing this, but I wish I had a camera rolling.

Needless to say, we taught Momma a lesson.

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