I just spent the last 2 and a half weeks with my incredible family. I am awaiting Marsey Jo's email from the book/journal she kept while they were here. It was pretty amazing to have them experience The Gambia with me. I wanted to post a few pictures while I had the chance... I am currently sitting in the Dakar airport with 6 other amazing PCV's. We are on our way to Spain! Where I will be clean [let's hope], slow down the diarrhea [probably will get worse... what up Mickey Dee's], and attempt to dress pretty [again, not going to happen]. ALSO, our hostel has wireless, so I will be able to write more about what it was like to have my family here.
Now, the girls want to check their email/facebook. It's amazing how fast wireless is here! I am in awe.
[and as far as the sleeping-on-the-boat picture goes, I don't sleep a lot here, but yet narcolepsy hits me at the most random places. Nice.]
1 comment:
Hey Kasey,
My name is Seth Spencer and I am a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine. I am a member of the Environmental Working Group, which focuses on creating teaching resources, organizing summer camps and planning nation-wide environmental events. As part of our effort we are trying to learn more about environmental based working groups and projects in other Peace Corps countries. If you know of any in The Gambia, please feel free to contact me at
It would be a great help!! Hope your time there is going great!
Seth Spencer
p.s. say hi to Bjorn Betzler if you know him. We are friends from back home.
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