[My little Ousman, husband numero uno! Is he not fabulous?!]
So many amazing things happened this evening! Number one being, my mama musoo and Fatou came back from Kombo! This is wonderful for so many reasons, number one being that Fatou is no longer sick. Number two, my best friend is back! We were seriously inseparable. Yes, I know she’s 6 years old, but she is the only girl in this entire compound and we bonded. What can I say? THIS IS AFRICA.
Then, as they are getting off the gelegele, I notice a boy dragging in a sheep with a baby! The baby was probably 2 days old, max. Might I add, momma and baby are currently tied to my front porch post. Pretty amazing, despite momma sounding like a man.
Did I mention that I cried when I saw Dobally and Fatou get off the gelegele? Cause I did. And I am pretty sure they think I am crazy, but that’s okay with me. I am so incredibly happy for them to be back! Fatou came running up to me and I am sniffling away, struggling to find the Mandinkan words for “I missed you, you were gone too long, I’m so glad you’re back!” and instead I just crushed her to me and was blubbering away. Had we been in the states, someone would be yelling to ‘get that girl a Kleenex stat’. I promised Brendan’s host sister [also named Fatou] that I would help her with her homework tonight, so Fatou, Manding [she’s the 2 year old who has finally decided that she likes me] and Ousman trudged up through the town. It was the Von Trapp family, I swear. I have taught the little Ousman to sing the “Dayyyyyoooo… me say daaayyyyoooooo” song and I am determined to videotape it before I leave on Sunday.
We also went to visit Whitney. There was a boy there that told his mother he was going to marry me. His name is Ismila [pronounced iSmile-yah… perfect because he has a gorgeous smile!] and he’s actually super attractive. I told him my husband was in America, but he insisted he’s in love with me. He’s 27. Should be interesting, haha.
Pretty crazy that we are already done with our training villages. We shall see how this goes!
I'm sorry for the lost of your host sister. i cant imagine how hard that must be for everyone around you. I know you like to express your emotions when things get to intense and you can't hold them in anymore but you are so strong and i know this experience will only make you a better and stronger person ( if thats even possible!)
i wrote u a reallllly long letter explaining stuff. im finally mailing it out today as i have not gone to the post office yet ( its been sitting in ym desk for like 3 weeks haha) ANNND i also wrote u yet another letter catching u up on some stuff and obvi one tree hill. WHICH ps....peyton is pregnant!yep i said it shes pregnant by lucas..man we SO thought it would be brooke.damnit. hope to hear back from you whenever you get a chance
love and miss u so much. i hope things with us arent on bad terms since i didn;t see u off, i do regret that.
take care and hope the pooping situation gets easier ha
Kasey Rose - Ousman is adorable! Your experiences are truly something we would read from a book; yet I know you are in Africa living them. I remain very envious that I am not there as well. I will keep reading - you sound so content and enthusiastic living each and every moment in the present.
Love you
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