This just arrived from Kasey so am posting for all of you to enjoy.
Hi Mom! It's Lizzy Lizzy. This is from Kasey. Happy Birthday!!#
March 2nd, 2009
I am currently writing from a computer lab at a nursing school in Bansang. It's
9:00am and I can hear the sounds of the RCH clinic outside the door; screaming
babies, chattering mothers, and a chain being swung over the beam in the ceiling to
set up the scale to weigh the children. Liz and I arrived last night to stay in
Bantonto, Marnie's village, which is about 4km from Bansang. It was quite the trip
in yesterday [funny side note -- just logged into my Yahoo!email account and was
informed that it's 19 degrees at home. It's currently pushing 90 degrees here, and
only getting hotter. Surreal!]. I only have a quick minute to post this, and will be
in Kombo within a week where I will be able to write much, much more, but wanted to
let everyone know the following:
1. I am alive, and VERY well... although the other day, on a 9-hour trip to the
Married's site to get 2 kittens [due to an immense mouse problem in my hug], I
vomited out of a moving gele. Mid dry-heave I was propositioned for marriage by the
side of the car park... never have I looked better, obviously. Then Rachel drags me
onto the nicest gele I have ever seen [plush midnight-blue seats! dark silk window
curtains! a sunroof! SPEAKERS and a radio!] and I think, oh God, I'm going to vomit
all over the place. I am shoved into a seat next to a window. A beautiful Fula woman
sits beside me with her infant child. I begin sweating and shaking... the gele
starts to move, I get concerned because the woman in front of me has her arm hanging
out the window and I have no space to stick my head out. In one bold attempt I throw
open the window, stick my head out, start vomiting as all the school children
walking past scream "Toubab!" and immediately stop pointing
when they see what is happening. The baby next to me begins touching me in
inappropriate places and I can do nothing to stop it, as all I can concentrate on
is getting rid of whatever is in my stomach. The gele is moving so fast the vomit
ends up in my hair, and I am mortified. I finally pull my head back in, everyone in
the gele is asking me if I am feeling better, and the woman whose arm I pinched in
the window in front of me turns around and hands me a menthol coughdrop. I nearly
cry tears of happiness from the strangers around me.
2. I have been battling immense homesickness, but I am doing a lot better now. It
really is a rollercoaster ride.
3. Again, my hut has an insane amount of mice. I don't know what to do about it. The
kitties are smaller than the rats and spend their days sleeping, so they are of no
help. The most they do is have the runs on my bed, which I can't get mad at them
about, because my GI issues haven't exactly resolved, either.
4. My site is beautiful, breath-taking, amazing. There are unreal bush trails I can
go jogging on [where I constantly have Sting's "Fields of Gold" playing in my mind
as I pass through the wheat, unnoticed] & Amanda recently showed me how to get to a
cliff overlooking the river. The Gambia snakes its' way through villages, fields,
and trees... it was beautiful and serene. I will be going back soon.
5. I have fallen completely in love with my host family. I am not sure it's normal
to have such an attachment to them already, but I cannot imagine being without them.
They are all truly extraordinary. There is Maiyo, my 9 year old host sister, who
beats up any boy who says anything rude to me. She also knows when I need a hug or
to tell me she loves me. There is her sister, Manta, my age, who constantly thanks
me for the bra I gave her and will flash me any chance she gets. She washes that
thing every day. There is Sirra, Manta'sa 4 year old daughter, who is always by my
side wanting to help whatever I do. Senne, Manta's 2 year old daughter, is
constantly swaddled to my lower back, yelling "Ma! Ma!" while I pound rice with the
woman in the wooden mortars. Niara, the 15year old girl who is here to learn how to
cook, with her rockin' body and her soft, sad words when telling me about her
boyfriend who left to Kombo. Wuday, the amazing 16 year old girl
here to go to school, who is consistently helping me with my Mandinka and pushing
me to work harder. My host mother, Fatoumata, who brings me to every birth in the
village, whether it is 8am or 3am. Again, I am in love.
Okay, I think that's it for now. About a month ago I mailed home my flashdrive full
of pictures. I am hoping my mum will be able to post some and SOON :o] I miss
everyone terribly & hope all is well :o] Please send me emails, as I have a phone
now that allows me to check them. And thank you again for all the letters and
packages I have received, it makes the tough days seem a lot easier! I promise to
write more soon, I have a lot of stories in my head that need writing out. I just
want to say this, though... the difficulties of this have really hit me. And while I
definitely have my moments [aka crying into my bowl of oatmeal & syrup in my
backyard at 8am], I'm still here. I am STILL here, it's been almost 4 months, and
that astounds me. Also the fact that my family is coming in May is really helping!
** HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MUM! :o] I hope you don't have to work, and if you do, I hope it
goes by quickly... and that Nick takes you somewhere fabulous for dinner, YOUR
choice of course :o] I LOVE YOU!! **