Sunday, January 11, 2009

I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

I hit intermediate mid in Mandinka and I get to swear-in and become an offical Peace Corps Volunteer on Wednesday! Everyone did, and it's so exciting. I am so proud of our group, we are all still here, which seems to be quite the feat. I seem to be so happy here, despite major setbacks. It's really amazing :o]

On a side note, some more stories. We are staying at stodge, which is the Peace Corps Transit House in Fajara [an area of Kombo]. Lizzy, Marnie and I are in a room with 2 bunkbeds. I decided to go to sleep at 9 the other night because I was wicked tired. The girls stayed out in the living room to watch tv with everyone and socialize.

Around approximately 10:13pm, I hear Matt's voice. Now, he has quite the distinguishable voice. [side info: Matt is an agfo PCV and he's downright amazing/hilarious] Our bedroom door creaks open and the light is switched on. Okay, I think. No big deal, just Lizzy or Marnie. Then the light shuts off and I hear footsteps. Then the bathroom light goes on and I hear someone urinating. I remember thinking, okay, cover it up Kase, so I threw the sheet over my body and feigned sleep.

I hear the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing, the light being turned off, and someone leaving our room. Okay, no big deal. Just Lizzy or Marnie.

Lizzy strolls in around 11:30. I have yet to really sleep at all.

"Hey Lizzy Lizzy, did you come in to go pee?" I asked.
"Uh, nope! Been out in the living room socializing." She answered.
"I'm pretty sure Matt came in here and used our bathroom," I said.
"WHAT?! No he didn't. Why would he do that, there's a bathroom right down the hall!" Lizzy replied.

Well, I thought, that's very true. I must have been dreaming.

Since the light was on anyway, I crawled off the top bunk and went into the bathroom. Sure enough, the toilet seat was up. No surprise that there was urine in the toilet bowl as well.

"Ah-HA!" I shouted. "HE DID PEE IN OUR BATHROOM!" Lizzy rushed in and this became quite the show. Matt ends up walking by our room and we yell to him. He admits to urinating in our bathroom and then explains his reasoning as to why he used ours and not any of the other 12 bathrooms in the house.

He leaves, Lizzy and I go to bed.

30 minutes later, Rachel shows up, calls us all crazy, and tries to set Lizzy's bunk on fire.

About 15 minutes after that, the door opens again.

"Who's there?!" Lizzy asks.
"It's no one," a muffled voice answers. Then the muffled voice trips over the mess in our room and the bathroom light is flung on. Sure enough, it's Matt.

[pardon the swear, mum] "Your shit is EVERYWHERE!" he shouted. "I JUST WANT TO BRUSH MY TEETH!"

Needless to say, I got no sleep and it was an amazing night. We have the best half-roommate ever. Probably not as funny as I thought it was but hey, TIA.

I'll be coming back to the office later to write more, I have some amazing pictures from our night on the town last night that I want to post :o] Miss and love you all so much!

1 comment:

Tammy said...


Ok, one, I love and miss you. Two, I just read your blog about matt and though I already knew the story, I died laughing. Again.

see you soon.

