Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Brown Town

Well, I'm here! It has taken me forever and a day to get to a computer/phone. I have been soooo busy but it's incredibly wonderful here. For a place that's incredibly hot, I truly feel at home. Strange? I miss the snow!

Let's see if I can recap these past few days quickly. There are only 4 computers here and I have 5 people waiting.

Brussels airport is CRAZY. We got there early, had a 4 hour layover, no one wanted to tell us what we were doing and by the time we figured everything out, we had 30 minutes. For you who don't want to hear this, toughen up: I had the runs like no tomorrow [stupid cheese lasagna in a box from Belgium... HONESTLY!]. The bathroom stalls there are separate rooms... VERY cool.

Get into Gambia finally, it's about 100 degrees [no lie]. The airport is INSANE, lots of Gambian men talking to you, they want you to be their wives and take your luggage. Very intense.

[RANDOM but the people in the room just mentioned it... could someone please tell my dad that spam is a delicacy here??? I've had it like 6 times. I wish I was kidding!Thanks.]

We arrived at the hotel [GPI - it's for missionaries, we have toilets but no TP... just water kettles. I DONT THINK SO... made friends fast with Marnie who has a whole suitcase full of the goods]. My roommate is super super nice and from Ohio. In fact, everyone is SO nice.

Okay.... basically these past few days have been intense language training. I try to sleep as much as I can but we are up at 6:30am and go straight until 8:30pm [which is when dinner ends]. They try to give us 2 hours of personal time a day but it doesn't really work... or hasn't yet.

Yesterday we went to a reptile farm which was SO cool, lots of huge snakes, turtles, and lizards. OH! Lizards are EVERYWHERE! They're the Gambian version of squirrels, I'm convinced. I'm going to catch one... when I told the guard that at GPI, he yelped and said, "You crazy! They bite!"

We went to the beach on Sunday which was amazing. Took lots of beautiful pictures and have two new nicknames from the boys in the group: Brown Town and Olive Goodness. There's a girl here, Liz, who is part cherokee, Irish, Scottish, and English with a little bit of Mexican. We get along really really well!

Today we went to the market and it was NUTS. A man came up to me trying to sell me a shirt... let's see if I can do this in true Kasey story-telling fashion:

man: Ohhhhh hello nice lady, nice lady. You want to buy nice shirt?
me: uhhh, no thanks.
man: So nice! Looks, so green! [it was hideous. HIDEOUS. I wouldn't SLEEP in this shirt.]
me: I'm sorry but I won't wear that.
man: What about your boyfriend?
me: My boyfriend wouldn't wear that either.
[at this point, David is overhearing our conversation *the big brother of the group* and goes:]
David: Yeah, I wouldn't wear that.
man: Oh, you are her boyfriend?
David: Yes.
man: You are so lucky! I see she is very special. If you miss out on her, you are missing a diamond!
David: Oh yes, I know. She is sooo special.

At this point, I am trying to run AWAY from the man and he follows me.
man: NICE LADY! nice lady with the boyfriend, please buy my shirt! You will be more special if you buy my shirt!

It was borderline nuts but I have loved every minute I have spent here. My only fear is I am missing so much at home. I miss my friends and family so much, it's insane.

By the way, have some requests for LETTERS and toilet paper. Please, please save me from the latrine that I will be facing on Friday.

I am learning Mandinka and have learned so much already! I would type it out but they have funky letters and you probably wouldn't be able to pronounce it anyway but.... welcome or hello is: Salaammaleekum.

My number is: 011 220 706 0791 if anyone wants to call me. I get my phone tomorrow because the one I ordered off pricego.org is TERRIBLE. I GET FREE INCOMING CALLS. If you can call me at least just to get one of my eleven calling cards, I will give you their numbers! SERIOUSLY. Starting tomorrow!!!

I miss you all so much. I have written entirely too much and taken up way too much time but will try to get on here as soon as I can.

Love you all,

[ps. Greg- super cute PCV here whose boyfriend just broke up with him. We are talking SMOKIN and fantastic. You need to find a way to call me/come visit.]


Erin Pendexter said...

Kasey Rose,
It is terrific to hear the enthusiasm and excitement in your blog. I love the descriptions - can almost picture several of your scenes. Good luck with the lizards, I suppose you could put a collar and leash on it and call it Moley:) The weather here just turned colder (34) and the sky was that wintery gray color today. I am still raking leaves and putting the gardens to bed for the winter. Star 101 is now the Christmas star, which you won't miss as you downloaded every Christmas carol ever written. Can't wait to see the pictures of the beach and the country. I have emailed all to let them know of your update - yes I included Radiation.

Love you,

Alison Dehetre said...

Nice to hear that you are happy, I can not believe you like looking at snakes. Anxious to see your pictures, be careful when you go to the bathroom you look in the hole first for spiders and snakes so that nothing bites your bite.

Stay happy and safe.


Alison Dehetre said...

I meant your butt.


Erin Pendexter said...

14 Nov 2008 2030
Kasey, The weather here is rainy and cool, 40's. I am thinking of you arriving to your training site and host family. It seems our whole world is eager to hear about your adventures. I sent your blog site and address to be included in the parish visitor this month. I will send letter number 2 tomorrow.
Love you

XxuntouchedxX said...

Dearest Gray Phantom,
It is about time I have gotten to read a little update....maybe not having a computer for a week since it was being fixed in california had a little bit to do about that....I miss you more and more everyday!!! It is cold.....colder than well it's just darn cold!!!!! I could say a million and one things and you know that but I wouldn't want to upset momma p with naughty language, cause she knows I don't swear and I don't drink, I am the angel of the family, darn that marsey!!!! I see your brother from time to time and catch up with him on how life is treating him, but all in all I wish my best friend was here by my side, it is hard without you here, but I know you are having a wonderful time!!! Anyways woman you better get in touch with me via phone, I have been sending txts to a phone that has been shut off for some time now I believe and had no idea, and wondered why I wasn't hearing from you.....GOOD LORD I THOUGHT THE GAMBIANS HAD A SACRIFICE!!!! They must have some sort of lizard god over there!!! Anyways I miss you, love you, call me my number is still the same, I am not sure how to call you since well yeah it is kinda confusing with your number and all, but call me anytime I don't care if it is 3 AM!!!! CALL ME 207^266^4113. Love you!!!

Your Gay Brother,
Gray Phantom!!!!

Unknown said...

It has been a week, I thought you get to use the computer weekly? Hope all is good there and you are still feeling at home. Your mom speaks of you alot and is so happy and proud of you. Waiting to hear how things are going.

Keep in touch and stay safe.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kase,
I love reading your blogs and your amazing words i can almost picture it as if im standing next to you. I am SO PROUD OF YOU and this chance/risk you've taken ive told you this many times. Whether it be large or small remember you are making a difference in many lives and thats something you will always carry with you. I hope this experience is as reflective as it is for me. Arizona or Africa we are learing so much about ourselves and the world around us! I can't wait for the day i get to see you again. This time in our lives is very surreal.. sometimes i have to sit back and realize "yea, i am really here" But know i think of you often and have such a connection with you knowing we are both goin through this amazing opportunity together just miles apart.
Love and miss you to the moon and back!

Erin Pendexter said...

Kasey Rose's phone number. I have found the best time is around 5-6 our time 011 220 938 0953 or
011 220 706 0791 she is 5 hours later than we are.

She had a tragic experience this week as one of her host sister's died. She was 2 years old and they were on the way to the health clinic. I don't have all the details but know that Kasey is very sad. She is not sure when she will get to use the internet. She is far in a remote village and is fortunate to have her cell phone. It is horrifically expensive for her to call and she gets free incoming calls - so please call her.

XxuntouchedxX said...

I am now on break for Thanksgiving, I am going to be getting giant calling card while here and I am calling your african booty soon oh so soon!!!! Love you tons!!!!


Erin Pendexter said...

Greetings all Kasey's blogger friends. I spoke with her on Thanksgiving day. She and all the other PCTs were sitting on the river bank at a Church getting ready to enjoy their Gambian Thanksgiving day celebration. She has received her work site - it is a small village (around 100 people she thinks) in the Upper River Region called Kuraw Arfang - 10-15 k's from Dasalami. She says you may not find it on a map as it is a small village. She is presently in the village of Bumari. By the sounds the whole village has fallen in love with her - no surprise there. She sends her love to all of you and still really wants phone calls. For any of you that want to call and don't have a phone card, call me and I will give you my calling card number. Jo she is worried and wants to hear from you!
Peace & Blessings,
Erin (926 3255)ependexter@securespeed.us

Anonymous said...

Hey Kase,
I check the blog everyday to see if you've posted anything new. I'm sorry to hear about the little one sweetie. I'm sure that's not easy, and my thoughts are with you during this hard time.
I've written you so many letters, I just need to get stamps. I find myself doing that, sitting down, and just writting you letters. I miss you Kase so much! It's an amazing thing what you're doing, and a lot of people couldn't do it. I'm proud to call you a friend. I can't wait to see you whenever that is. I'm sad our phone call got disconnected, I'm going to try again soon to call. Probably Wednesday night this week (today is Sunday lol). Maria says Hi, and asks about you, and how you're doing. My fam does too. Wants to make sure you're okay over there. I just can't wait for all of us to be back together, and to hear all the stories of everyone's adventures when we were apart. Although apart in miles, never apart in thoughts. We'll be chatting! Miss you soo much, and hope you're happy and safe!


Nicole Rickards said...


i truely wish i could go back to before you left and get to see you one last time. I'm proud to have you as my friend, and especially proud of what your doing. It takes a special person to do this and you my dear have exactly what it takes. I hope your having a good time down there and touching their hearts like you touched all ours here:)

is there an address i can send letters to?
love and miss you

Erin Pendexter said...

To all Kasey's followers: Kasey is having an amazing time in The Gambia, Africa. She is full of courage and love and feels "a tug of her heart" that this is where she belongs. I would ask all of you to be her cheer leaders and support as she needs encouragement and not how much we miss her. She already knows that and appreciates it with all her heart. For those who need her address here it is:

Kasey Pendexter, PCT (until 1/10 then PCV)
U.S. Peace Corps
P.O. Box 582
Banjul, The Gambia
West Africa

She has been very sick for many days yet remains so very optimistic about her place in the world right now. Her diet consists of porridge for breakfast, rice for lunch and rice with peanut sauce for dinner. She found a market where she can buy oranges although the are green in color they are juicy and delicous. She is learning a second language called Sarahuli, as many people in her new village speak this. On January 10th she will be back in Banjul and will have internet access so hope she will update her blog with the many wonderous stories she has shared with me.
I send my love to all of you and know that Kasey is with you in spirit and she is doing the work she is being called to do at this time!
Peace & Blessings,
